handmade gift...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

so...this is my best attempt to photograph my first completed crochet project. my camera seems to have mysteriously disappeared...so iphone will have to suffice :)

this is a crocheted lace cowl, created as a christmas gift for a very dear friend. perhaps we can have a post with her reaction very soon...?

the shape came out a little wonky...not quite like it was supposed to...but i think i like it. it seems to serve more of a warmth-purpose with a wider edge. anyway, apparently there's a technique called 'blocking' which can be used to re-shape knit items that have become distorted during creation.

it's not perfect...but i think it's kinda cute! i started on tuesday night, and finished tonight (saturday)...and all it took was yarn and a crochet hook. so you can DO it if i can!

here's the pattern i used if you feel inspired. my mom and i tweaked it a little bit as she was teaching me, so you may have to work out what works best for you.

remember- with handmade gifts, the effort and care you put into them is the best part!

p.s. i look very tired in the photo because i couldn't sleep and took it about 2 am. and i promise that my left hand is not really a claw. :)

p.s.s. remember the bathroom stripes??

merry christmas!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

yay presents!
I was planning on using recycled grocery bags to make my own wrapping
paper this year, but found two rolls of wrapping paper in my storage
closet...so I kinda felt the need to use those.

so instead...I made bows!

for a pretty cheap, easy, and reusable bow alternative, yarn pom poms
are so fun and easy to make. go here for full instructions!
also...round paper doilies make great gift tags. they cost like $1 or
less for 50 or so, and they look like snowflakes :)

be creative with your gifts...presentation is half the fun! happy wrapping!

Cookie mountain

so I have admittedly been a little absent lately from my poor little blog... But I have been busy christmasing and such! tonight I had a hankering for some chocolate chip cookies...so I made
some! they turned out more cake-y than crunchy or cookie...maybe too much egg ratio to butter and flour?

either way...they're good.

the recipe that i used this time is on the back of the hershey's bag of chocolate chips...they're cheaper than nestle!

i'm still working on perfecting the chocolate chip cookie. if you have any good recipes or secrets...please comment!